discover salisbury

Discover attractions, events and adventure today

Planning a trip? There’s plenty to discover in the Salisbury region and you might be surprised by what you find. Discover Salisbury is dedicated to helping you locate activities and attractions that you will love. Check out upcoming events or add your own to get the word out!

Salisbury is full of hidden gems waiting for you to explore. Our picturesque wetlands are a must visit for nature lovers, while the region boasts about 140 parks and reserves. Thrill seekers will enjoy sprawling mountain bike trails or take a scenic flight from Parafield Airport. Foodies can meanwhile feast themselves on culinary delights inspired the plethora of rich, cultural backgrounds that make Salisbury unique.

Located just half an hour from the Adelaide CBD, it’s time visit Salisbury. So come on – throw on your shoes, roll up your sleeves and get amongst the action today!